Words tumble through your head
symposium about the origin, course and treatment of psychosis
19 April 2013
The care of people with psychosis gets a lot of attention nowadays. Still we don’t know much of the origin of psychosis. It is very hard to influence the course and treatment seems to have a very modest effect.
During this day three international experts will tell us more: Inez Myin-Germeys about the origin of psychosis, Lex Wunderink about the course of psychosis and the guided discontinuation of medication, and Merete Nordentoft about the treatment of psychosis.
Three clients tell their own story of psychosis in a documentary. We present the keynote speakers with some anarchistic elements of music and theatre: the Propere Fanfare and Koekoek from the Vieze Gasten.
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9.30 Registration
10.00 De Propere Fanfare van de Vieze Gasten
Opening, Rick Mentjox, board of Emergis
Introduction, chairman Jan van Blarikom
10.30 The origin of psychosis – Inez Myin-Germeys
11.30 Coffee break
11.45 In search of words. Three clients tell their own story of psychosis in a documentary.
12.30 No insight or different opinions? Discussion on the right of the client to have an own opinion about psychosis.
13.00 Lunch
14.00 The course of psychosis – Lex Wunderink
14.45 Film Soteria
15.00 The treatment of psychosis – Merete Nordentoft
15.45 Tea break
16.00 Care of psychosis: what is at stake? Panel discussion
De Propere Fanfare van de Vieze Gasten
16.45 End
Inez Myin-Germeys Professor of Ecological Psychiatry at Maastricht University, Netherlands. She argues for a broader view on the origins of psychosis. She is especially interested in the influence of the environment on the development of psychosis.
Lex Wunderink Chief psychiatrist and head of the department research and education GGZ Friesland, Netherlands. He did research on the guided discontinuation of medication in the treatment of psychosis.
Merete Nordentoft Chief psychiatrist Bispebjerg hospital Copenhagen. Professor at Copenhagen University. She initiated on the OPUS trial, early intervention in first episode psychosis. At the symposium she will present new data regarding the course of psychosis and the long term effect of OPUS treatment.
Date and location
Date: 19th April 2013, 10.00 – 17.00
Location: Emergis, centre for mental health care,
Oostmolenweg 101, Kloetinge, The Netherlands
Price: € 250,-
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